XBox Rock Band Contest! XBox搖滾樂團競賽!小胖常常跟人說我的公司很棒,我們公司三不五時都就有活動,有時是折紙飛機比賽,有時是撲克牌夜。 這次是XBox搖滾樂團競賽。我們公司的名言是”玩的盡興工作也盡力”。 我也報名參加,志不在贏 只是好玩而已。看大家各形各色的道具假髮都出來了。Xiao-Pang always tell people that my company is great; we always have fun activities going on. One time there was an airplane contest and the other time there was poker night. This time is Xbox Rock Band contest. Our company's slogan is "play hard and work hard". Me and few friends signed up for it. It is just for fun; we did not really plan to win. Every team is brining out the prop!哈哈,這隊實在很逗趣。This team is really funny, haha我很佩服他們在服飾下的功夫。I really admire the time they spent on the costumes. 這組是第一名。This team is the winning team這組的表情很一致。They all have the same expression可惜沒有最佳情境獎,不然應該頒給這隊。It is too bad that we do not have the "best scenario" award, otherwise, this team should win. 耶!我們的樂團。我們的服飾挺無趣的早知道大家這麼下工夫,我們也應該化化妝,打扮打扮。我們樂團的名字是"三個女士一輛帥氣的車" (Three ladies and a hot rod)。 這個名字其實有雙重意思,我就不多做解釋啦!YA! This is our band. Our outfit is kind of boring. If I had known other teams are trying so hard, I would have ask everyone put on some makeup and do some costumes. Our team name is "Three Ladies and A Hot Rod". We did not realize that rod could mean something else, but we really did not mean it when we named the band. 我整首歌嘴巴都是開開的,只有這張嘴巴總算閉起來,不是故意裝酷,哈哈!The whole time my mouth was open except in this picture. I am not trying to be cool, haha. .
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